Dear sir/madam,
Per the Revised Section 1 4 Tables (Dec 2012), for Systems 9 and 10,the fan power=0.3*supply air flow rate(cfm). I have some question for you.
1) per 90.1-2010,for Systems 9 and 10,the fan power=0.3*supply air flow rate(l/s). so the units of the Revised Section 1 4 Tables (Dec 2012) is not consistent with that.
2) at one time, the review comments from GBCI said "all independent fan systems of the HVAC systems in the actual design must be modeled identically between the Proposed and Baseline models at actual equipment capacities". it means that the fan power of mechanical ventilation should be idencially with the actual design. But the Revised Section 1 4 Tables (Dec 2012) has required that fan power=0.3*supply air flow rate(cfm) . how should i do ?
3) for the area of mechanical ventilation, the actual design has no heating but ventilation. for the baseline modeling, must the heating for the Systems 9 and 10 be heated?
Thank you so much!
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5915 thumbs up
October 9, 2013 - 4:31 pm
1. The Revised Section 1.4 Tables are in IP units, not SI. The correct requirement from the IP version is 0.3 watts/cfm.
2. All fans in conditioned spaces are included in the baseline fan power allowance. Only fans in unconditioned spaces should be modeled identically. For systems 9 and 10 if a non-mechanical cooling fan is required by section G3. then the fan power is 0.054 watts/cfm.
3. This sounds like unconditioned space. So no system 9 or 10 should be modeled.The ventilation system would be modeled identically.