Dear All,
Regarding the mandatory requirements of ASHRAE90.1 for external lighting power.
Our project has a covered external car park, consisting of a single line of 40 parking places. Only the parking places are covered and not the circulation lanes and surroundings.
Lighting will be installed under the canopy that covers the cars (less power required than with mounting poles).
In this case, should we follow the power density requirements for external car parks (uncovered) or for enclosed car parks? Shall we take all park areas into account, covered places plus circulation lanes?
For lighting control, it makes more sense to implement a clock and daylight control, in line with ASHRAE indications for external zones. Do you agree?
Thanks in advance
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5909 thumbs up
May 8, 2020 - 10:53 am
The covered area follows the interior lighting power requirements, the remaining area sounds like exerior lighting power. Any lighting to be installed for the circulation lanes? Controls should follow the requirements related to interior parking.