We have a commercial building which is 24x7 operating. How do we comply with the b., requirements when the building does not have any business closing or business opening hours?
Thank you.
Forum discussion
NC-v4 EAp2: Minimum energy performance
We have a commercial building which is 24x7 operating. How do we comply with the b., requirements when the building does not have any business closing or business opening hours?
Thank you.
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
July 29, 2018 - 2:28 pm
Under b and c the facade and landscape lighting must be off between midnight and 6 am and the other exterior lighting must be reduced and controlled by a timer or motion sensor during this time as well.
Charalampos Giannikopoulos
Senior Sustainability ConsultantDCarbon
85 thumbs up
December 10, 2019 - 6:43 am
Hi Marcus, if shut-off is mandatory from midnight to 06.00 am, when will facade and landscape (exterior) lighting will be on? Isn't this contradictory to the anticipated intent of exterior lighting? Thank you in advance.
Waleed AlGhamdi
Sustainability EnablerEskew+Dumez+Ripple
20 thumbs up
December 10, 2019 - 11:22 am
From sunset to midnight it'll be doing it's anticipated intended job. Seems like the standard is moving into the direction that the intent doesn't apply between 12 am-6 am and lights only stay on for lack of automatic control. Note that this applies to facade and landscape, not all exterior lights (walkways, plazas, etc). Those other functions must comply with item c. instead of b.
In the User Manual, the section reads "to turn off the lights during daytime hours and when they are not needed in the evening". So the standard assumes it's not needed between midnight and 6 am, likely because people are asleep? The way out of this is an exception from the AHJ or other exceptions under 9.1 (though they unlikely apply to this type of lighting).
If a state or city wants to highlight, say, their historic city hall building at night, they can do so, since they're the AHJ, and they can amend this rule for code compliance when the adopt the standard. I think it's reasonable to then model exterior lighting as operating throughout the night in both the baseline and proposed case for LEED documentation.