We submitted a dormitory project for a university in which there was a very substantial amount of existing parking between our new building and another part of our project (a new, relatively small parking lot north of the large existing lot to remain). We elected to include the existing parking lot within our project boundary - given that it would appear that we were overly segmenting the (2) locations if we separated them. Given that the existing parking lot to remain was to serve as the parking lot for the new building, our required number of preferred parking spaces was based on the existing lot . . . and the preferred spaces are shown in our LEED submittal to be located within this existing lot (close to the new building).
We just received some mid-review comments asking for clarification regarding some of our square footages indicated for paving, landscaping, etc because we had some sf inconsistencies between credits.
HOWEVER - the issue is - since we submitted this project for review . . . a NEW dormitory (which we are also a member of the JV design team on), (non-LEED - but very similar in overall design), is currently being constructed within the existing parking lot - and there is no parking lot anymore. There will ultimately be very limited parking available as part of the new project . . . and what will be available will be dedicated for that dorm building. In fact, as a general matter, there will be VERY limited parking in the vicinity of the submitted LEED building project within the original project boundary.
Our thought is to:
1) Respond to the comments based upon the original submittal - even though the existing conditions have changed. In our mind, the existing conditions are actually much better than originally submitted because a substantial amount of the existing parking lot paving will now be permeable.
2) As to the preferred parking issue, our thought is to provide the same amount of preferred parking. Given that this was based on a large parking lot that is no longer there . . . we will actually be offering much more preferred parking than required. However, in order for it to be truly preferred, proximity-wise, this dedicated parking will need to be outside of our original project boundary area. Our thought is to indicate/propose this in our narrative as part of our response to the LEED comments.
Any comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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