Working on a project which is using NC 2009 version. We have to submit for construction preliminary review, We have achieved 97% const. waste diversion rate and are eligible to get the 1 extra point under exemplary performance. But I am not sure how to it gets reflected in LEED online. Do we have to document it separately in the innovation category? If yes, as of now all innovation category credits are marked as 'Not Attempted'. I would need to mark it as 'Attempted' to be able to go in and edit the information. But, LEED does not let me change it for some reason. Is this the correct way to document exemplary performance for a credit? Does anyone know how to work around this?
Thank you,
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August 18, 2017 - 3:55 pm
Kavita - To answer your first question: Yes - it needs to be documented separately as an Innovation in Design credit.
{Note: Prior to January 2016, LEED Online linked Exemplary Performance to the ID credits, so that when you achieved exemplary performance on MRc2 form and then selected Exemplary Performance on the IDc1 form, MRc2 would should show up in the dropdown list. Now with the v06 forms, it's not so intuitive. LEEDuser members can read more about this under June 2016 update (and other LEED Online updates) at}
But first things first. Any team member should be able to attempt a credit. But you need to be sure you are attempting the Construction phase ID credit and not the Design phase one. If you are picking the Design phase version but have already completed the Design application, that may be why you can't pick it. Make sure that you have Select All listed under All Selected dropdown on the upper right of the Credits page. Then try to Attempt the second instance IDc1.1 (or 1.2, 1.3, etc.) so you can then document the exemplary performance. Note: You can hover over the credit abbreviation (IDc1.x) to see whether its a "Design Credit" or a "Construction Credit." Then you can document your excellent exemplary performance.
If you still can't get the credit to attempt, then I would either talk to your team's LEED Project Administrator or click the Feedback button. Note: If you are not the Project Admin and s/he has Exclusive Access enabled under Team, you will not be able to document IDc1.X until s/he assigns it to you.