We are aiming for exemplary performance for the views credit, and would like some clarification on the criteria for achieving Measure 1. Does "multiple lines of sight to vision glazing in different directions at least 90 degrees apart" simply mean that if a user stands in front of a window, they have a cone of vision of 90 degrees or more without an exterior wall intruding into that cone of vision? Has anyone ever attempted this credit? Any feedback would be much appreciated!
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Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
February 12, 2014 - 8:52 am
What it means and how it should be documented is that an occupant has two different cones of vision from their workstation. So from the desk, the occupant has views facing one direction, and then if they turn 90 degrees or more they have another cone of vision to views.
An office with windows on either side, the occupant faces the length of the space. But with windows to their left and right, and having an unobstructed views to both, would mean the occupant has views 180 degrees apart.
To document, take a workstation, draw a line, which would be the center of the vision cone, then draw a line from the workstation to the other view representing the center of the vision cone. If needed, dimension with an angle measurement.
Esmeralda Ward
NAC Architecture36 thumbs up
February 12, 2014 - 12:16 pm
Thanks very much for the quick response. It makes more sense now. Unfortunately for us on this project, most classrooms only have windows on one side so we won't be able to apply this measure towards exemplary performance. We'll try for some of the other measures though.
Thanks again,