Dear All:-

we have accounted the recovered energy such as condensate recovery in steam boiler as per ASHRAE 90.1.2010 steam boiler with out condensate recovery is considered as base case but as per ASHRAE 90.1.2010 no base building justification details needed for recovered energy (three facilities built within the past five years of the project registration date).

But we have review comments like    "While an ECM has been attempted for a Steam Boiler-Condensate Recovery System (ECM-02) and Dryer Heat Recovery the project team has not provided sufficient documentation to verify that the manufacturing equipment installed is not standard practice for a similar newly constructed facility by providing a recently published document (published within five years of the project registration date), referencing a utility program that incentivizes the equipment installed, or by documenting systems used to perform the same function in other newly constructed facilities (three
facilities built within the past five years of the project registration date). The baseline system type described should also
have the same output capacity as the proposed system type modeled."

So please guide us is "the three facilities built within the past five years of the project registration date" required to justify the baseline case requirement for recovered energy