All three of the EPD credits have two options each that can be pursued individually for one point or together for a total of two points for each EPD credit. Similarly, the reference guide provides two exemplary performance options for each EPD credit - does that mean that you could earn up to two exemplary performance points on a single credit?
I know this would still be subject to the cap on EP points, but I'm trying to understand how it works.
Trista Brown
Project DirectorWSP USA
456 thumbs up
August 22, 2017 - 12:35 pm
Hi Chris, it seems to me that a project can earn up to 2 EP points on a single credit. The RG doesn't say anything about a cap on EP points, and like you said, each of the two options is eligible for EP. However, I think it can be pretty challenging to reach the EP threshold for even one option under MRc3, at least for projects that are going through certification now.
Kristina Bach
VP of InnovationSustainable Investment Group
151 thumbs up
August 22, 2017 - 1:52 pm
I would disagree with that assumption just based on how USGBC has historically awarded EP points. In the past, you could only get a maximum of 1 EP point per credit (regardless of how EP options existed in the actual credit). EPs were basically awarded at the credit level, not at the individual option level.
A good example of this in NCv2009 would be SSc4.1 --> You could either get an EP point for the Double Transit Ridership option or an EP point for the Comprehensive Transit Management Plan option. But you couldn't get 2 EP points for doing both.
Without seeing an official response from USGBC, I would hesitate to count on getting 2 EP points for a single credit.