Dear all,

I would like to inquire more about the Target Finder Rating tool. Assuming I entered the consumption values and all input parameters, I will generate an energy performance rating.
1) Should this rating be greater than 75 or 50?

I performed the thermal modeling of a school and got 17% improvement over the ASHRAE Baseline.

2) Is it obligatory to establish an energy performance rating goal for the facility design using EPA’s Target Finder rating tool?

For some reason, the site energy intensity for the "Average Building" (with a rating of 50) happens to be too low (16kBtu/ft2/year) which is definitely much less than the average school consumption in the US (68kBtu/ft2/year).

3) Can I be exempted from this target finder tool because of my 17% improvement over the baseline case?

Many thanks,
If not, then what