
One of our clients is considering the possibility of certifying a new airport terminal using LEED and asked us to perform a preliminary evaluation of the potential LEED score.

According to EA C1 (“ Enhanced Indoor Air Quality strategies”), permanent entryway systems shall be installed at regularly used entrances. Our proposal is to classify as regularly used entrances all those that are used by the public, including:

  1. terminal main entrances (through which passengers, workers, etc. will enter and leave the building);
  2. all entrances between the building and the ... used by passengers to access / return from airplanes (e.g., access to airport buses, direct walking access to airplanes, etc.).

All other entrances are for staff use only and will not be considered high traffic entrances (please note that this terminal will not include enclosed carparks), thus exempted from the requirement to install permanent entryway systems.

Do you agree with this interpretation ?

Best regards!