In the IEQp1 calculation form, provided by USGBC for using in LEED v4, in the Occupancy Category pull-down menu, there is nothing related to equipment rooms, non-occupied stores and similar spaces which belong to Non-regularly occupied spaces. The only one listed is Corridor. In the previous LEED version, in this spreadsheet there was an option "Other (specify)" where any non listed space could be entered. In this form such option do not exists. I've been asking via LEED Online - "Feedback" two days ago, but there's no answer and my question is:
How to enter such spaces in the IEQp1 spreadsheet calculator?
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
541 thumbs up
January 21, 2015 - 5:18 pm
Inactive areas/rooms of the project building do not need to be included in the ventilation calculator. Examples of inactive areas are mechanical rooms, egress stairway, emergency exit corridor, inactive storage, etc.
hope this helps.