We have a project served by a District Energy Plant. The project has three Dx Mini split systems that are specified as standby systems and would only come on in case the chilled water plant is stops operating. My question is whether these standby systems have to be entered in the calculations as upstream equipment and if so how should the calculation method be applied in this instance. Please reply. Thanks
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Aishwarya Chengappa
Sustainability ConsultantRamboll
September 26, 2022 - 8:51 am
Hi Marco,
I have a smilar case, please let me know if you have been able to solve the same.
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
525 thumbs up
September 27, 2022 - 5:40 pm
It is my understanding that standby equipment must be included in refrigerant calcs unless they contain less than 0.5 pounds of refrigerants. The calc method stated in the ref guide:
If a project has both downstream and upstream refrigeration equipment, use the following procedure to show credit compliance: Complete two separate refrigerant impact calculations: one to calculate the refrigerant impact using only the downstream equipment and another using only the upstream equipment. If both calculations meet the credit requirements, the project team has demonstrated credit compliance. If neither calculation meets the credit requirements, the project cannot achieve this credit. If one calculation fails but the other passes, the project team may demonstrate compliance using the weighted average refrigerant impact for the project building