Good Afternoon
I'm currently composing a plan for LEED EB on an existing manufacturing campus comprised of multiple building types (warehouse, shipping and receiving facility, manufacturing, office space, cafeteria) at about a 1.5 million sq. ft. Unfortunately, Energy Star does not offer a "manufacturing space type" and we will be forced to classify our buildings as "other" and use the alternative compliance path for the majority of these buildings.
I'm wondering if:
1) I can subtract process loads from energy consumption data? as majority of our energy is consumed through machines necessary for manufacturing.
2) How critical is it to allocate space in Energy Star for bathrooms, mechanical rooms, etc.? (For example, if I have a 10,000 sf office building, can't I just allocate 10,000 sf to office space? or is it imperative to breakdown all of the other areas?)
I appreciate any help anyone may be able to extend my way.
Ed Okon