Hi All,

We are simulating a residential building aspiring LEED Gold. Project will be registered under C&S rating system.

There will be no HVAC system for the residential building but for the simulation purpose we will be assuming HVAC system as per ASHRAE 90.1-2007. This system will be applied to both design case and reference case buildings. However, the following points hinder us from running the energy simulation.

1. All the residential units will be provided with Split AC units for Master bedrooms. In this scenario should we compare this split units with water cooled chillers? The results will be worse. We need to make it sure that this building achieves at least 10% energy savings and no way we can meet this target by comparing split units against water cooled chillers.
2. If we are simulating the building with HVAC system identical in design case and reference case, should we include the energy consumption by these chiller systems in overall energy consumed by the building. This will have reasonable impact on the savings %?
3. The project plans to pursue Green Power credit. How to arrive at the annual energy consumption of the building? Should we use the figures as per the energy simulation results? If yes, should we exclude chiller energy consumption?

Appreciate your response on this.