Dear All
We would like to know whether EAp2 and EAc1, LEED NC Version 2009, allow to count energy saving in hot water system by using low-flow shower heads as the ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G state that "Service hot-water usage can be demonstrated to be reduced by documented water conservation measures that reduce physical volume of service water required". Examples include low-flow shower heads. Such reduction shall be demonstrated by calculations".
For example, the baseline flow rate of the shower head from WEp2 is 2.5.
gpm. If we use the shower head with flow rate of 1.6 gpm. We can count energy saving for the hot water system from the reduced flow rate of 0.9 gpm.
Thank you
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
October 22, 2014 - 10:49 pm
Yes you can . There is a calculation you can use within the new Section 1.4 tables.
Panupant Phapant
SCG Cement - Building Materials14 thumbs up
October 24, 2014 - 1:42 am
Dear Marcus
Thank you very much. Am I corrected that I can adopt the shower head flow rate of 2.5 gmp for the baseline of the domestic hot water system
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
October 24, 2014 - 1:25 pm
Yes. Make sure the flow rates match the rates submitted for WEp1
Panupant Phapant
SCG Cement - Building Materials14 thumbs up
November 1, 2014 - 12:13 am
Dear Marcus
Thank you very much