In a LEED CS 2009 building energy simulation we are modeling the building envelope to test performance (only the building envelope). It is a 10-story building with 2 glass façades with high-performance glass system and well-insulated opaque façades. The first 2 stories will be owner-occupied and the rest will be rented. But the model so far is failing because the slabs (levels 4-10) are being modeled as they will be left by the developer (concrete slabs) without considering that in the future the tenants will build their fit-out (including false ceilings, flooring systems, etc.), which will add insulation value to the slabs; at the end, this is likely to make our project pass the building envelope test.
Since the fit-outs are not part of the developer’s scope, but will be built by the tenants, would this be acceptable in the energy simulation model with the appropriate narratives?