I do have a industrial plant trying to certify under LEED EBOM. As you may know it is not possible to generate an energystar score for this type of building, so i'm supposed to use the offline calculator (Case 2) to prove compliance. However, there is no baseline Adjusted Avarage Source EUI for industrial plants in the calculator. How should i proceed?
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Michael Opitz
Director of SustainabilityIconergy
60 thumbs up
October 29, 2014 - 11:36 am
Hello Diego,
You are correct - the calculator includes no baseline for Case 2, Option 1. You'll need to proceed using Case 2, Option 2, choosing either Option 2a, 2b, or 2c depending on how much effort your project team wishes to invest in the process and how many EAc1 points you want.