I am in need of help with EAp2 Section 1.4 tables.xls. This project is for new construction.
1. What means “Semi-conditioned”? The storage space has only heating and ventilation, is this means “semi”?
2. “Unconditioned Total Fan Power”, is it fan for parking garage? According to ASHARE 90.1-2007 parking garages with natural or mechanical ventilation are not considered enclosed spaces. Therefore it is not “unconditioned space”.
3. The baseline case is with system 8 and the cooling load is lower than 300 tons. I choose the COP for chiller from table 6.8.1.C. Is it wrong? According to “EAp2 Section 1.4 tables.xls“ Efficiency should be from tables 6.8.1A, 6.8.1B, or 6.8.1D. The baseline heating Type is electric resistance, which table (tables 6.8.1B, 6.8.1D, or 6.8.1E) should I use?
