The EAc6 form seems to be automatically pulling the total annual electricity use number from the EAp2 form without taking into account our savings from renewable energy. Instead of purchasing green power to offset 36,683 kWh, the EAc6 form is indicating that we need to offset for 63,670 kWh. I'm considering selecting the alternative compliance path and indicating that the kWh number automatically entered in the form is incorrect but first wanted to see if anyone has dealt with this previously or had any guidance.
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
April 4, 2011 - 4:47 pm
Hi Michael,
I am not aware of this problem with the form but I can tell you that your green power purchase should be based on the total electricity usage minus the on-site renewable electricity production in most cases. This assumes that the project has not sold the RECs associated with the on-site rnewables. If they have sold the RECs then they must be replaced on a 1 for 1 basis with a green power purchase and cannot be subtracted from the EAp2 electricity usage.
So if they have not sold the RECs then your assumption is correct, if they have then it is not and the form is correct. If they have not sold the RECs and the form is not calculating correctly then check the Special Circumstances box and explain the situation.
Good luck.