I have a question regarding LEED v4 NC, EAc2 Optimize Energy Performance:
We’re currently involved in a project that is considering the use of biomass as heating source (space heating and domestic hot water). As the biomass is a fuel with low carbon emissions associated, we are evaluating the possibility of using EApc95 Alternative Energy Performance metric, to take advantage of that fact. However, according to ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G, baseline building shall use the same energy sources as proposed building.
Given this, is there any way that we can use to take credit for the low carbon emissions associated with the use of biomass boilers in the context of Optimize Energy Performance credit calculations?
Tyler Thumma
7GroupLEEDuser Expert
67 thumbs up
September 29, 2023 - 9:07 am
As you have noted, Appendix G does not allow fuel switching, so the same fuel must be used on the Baseline and Proposed case.
However, biomass may be considered to be renewable energy, in which case the exception to G2.4 would apply and the Baseline fuel would be modeled as the backup energy source, or electricity if no backup has been specified. Refer to the v4 Reference Guides for information about biofuel eligibility as renewable energy.
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
248 thumbs up
April 15, 2024 - 8:55 pm
Hi Ricardo,
Yes, the use of biomass can be used to target Optimize Energy Performance credit calculations and classify as renewable energy (LEED BD+C v4 guide page 435).
On-site renewable energy sources or site-recovered energy shall not be considered to be purchased energy and shall not be included in the proposed building performance. Where on-site renewable or site recovered sources are used, the baseline building performance shall be based on the energy source used as the backup energy source or on the use of electricity if no backup energy source has been specified (ASHRAE 90.1.ip.2010 Appendix G2.4 page 210).
Best regards – Afogreen Build Team