In the precertification form for EA Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance after selection of the appropriate compliance path (which in my case is Whole building energy simulation) there is another section with two options to choose from:
"Compliance with the prerequisite/credit requirements must be documented for the entire project building and associated grounds, including both the Core & Shell AND tenant-occupied spaces. Select one of the following:
1. In scope: The Core & Shell project scope will include the performance
improvements for the entire project building, including tenant-occupied
2. Tenant Work: It is anticipated that there will be additional tenant work
beyond the Core & Shell project scope."
I'm not really sure which one to choose. Should the first one be selected if the data used in the simulation concerns only the scope of owner's work and the second point only if the owner requires from the future tenant to implement any energy efficient solution? Could someone explain to me when to use each of these options?