Our IT department bids used computers, monitors and servers to e-waste liquidators. Is this considered an acceptable and safe recycling method for e-waste?
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Jim Nicolow
Director of SustainabilityLord Aeck Sargent
LEEDuser Expert
10 thumbs up
April 1, 2019 - 5:05 pm
I believe all that LEED is concerned with for this prerequisite is that the design adequately accommodates collection and storage of recyclable materials. The reviewers will not delve into the practices of the ultimate recycling service providers in my experience (and the Rating System does not cite a reference standard for qualifying 'safe' disposal, simply that space is provided so it can be collected and separately from general building waste and diverted from going directly to the landfill). I'm curious if others on the forum have had to vet/validate practices of recycling providers as part of a certification review?