Could someone tell me if this would apply as a Durable Good purchase? My project building has a High Ropes climbing Tower - part of their team building/outreach program they offer as a service- located on the project site. LAst year they purchased large ALuminum plates which are affixed to the three tower poles to prevent people from climbing the tower during off-hours. I would like to count the ALuminum plates as a Durable Goods purchase. (1) Do you think that would meet the intent? (2) How do I document % recycled content of Aluminum? Is there a standard default % that I can use from a standards website instead of trying to track down where the machine shop purchased the Aluminum plate?
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Emily Catacchio
Sustainability SpecialistWight and Company
610 thumbs up
June 4, 2012 - 7:34 pm
Janna,Is the item you're describing considered furniture? If not, I don't think it applies to this credit.I am not aware of any default value for aluminum, it’s preferable to provide manufacturer product data sheets specifying the recycled content.