Hello, I have a question regarding the off-site area. If my project is restoring an area just in front my project building, and this restored area is also inside my LEED project site boundary, but is not owned by the building owner; how do I count this area, as off site or in site?
Thanks in advance
Jenny Carney
Vice PresidentWSP
LEEDuser Expert
657 thumbs up
June 21, 2012 - 6:22 pm
Alicia, My take is that if the LEED project site boundary you've established complies with the MPR requirements for incorporating land under different ownership, you would be legitimate in considering these native plantings as "onsite" as long as they fall within that boundary.
Here's the language regarding inclusion of land under separate ownership within the LEED boundary (from http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=6473):
"The LEED project boundary may not include land that is owned by a party other than that which owns the LEED project unless that land is associated with and supports normal building operations for the LEED project building