Hi everyone.

I'm a bit confused about how to document the different credits, due to the way I should fill the forms.

In summary, we achieve a 32% reduction on potable water use by efficent fixtures thus complying with the prerequisite.
We have an on-site Wastewater Treatment Plant that will treat the 100% of the waste water, also capturing the rain water from the roof and the treated water will be used for the cooling towers (70%), WC (20%) and landscape irrigation (10%).

So I should not have any problem achieveing the EP for the WEc2 and also achieve an EP on WEc3.

The metric are as following, our WWTP will produce over 2 million gallons per year, the WC require about 200,000 gallons and with that we will achive a 48% (EP on WEc3). The form for the WEc2 requieres the performance annual flush cosumption which is about 800,000 gallons... Right here is were I get confused, if I fill the form with th 2 million gallons treated and reused on site it will show a 240% on Percentage of wastewater treated on-site (infiltrated and/or reused) which makes me think I'm doing some calculations wrong.

I'm confident that we comply all the credits but I just don't know how to document it.

Any help will be much appreciate it.
