I have a question regarding the upload requirements:
the form asks for Upload IEQc3.1-1. Provide the IAQ Management Plan for the project, including highlighted IAQ management practices implemented during construction and preoccupancy phases.
After this the form asks whether the plan above contains language highlighting IAQ management practices implemented during construction at the project building.
What I don't understand is what do they mean by "highlighting IAQ management practices implemented during construction".
In my understanding the plan should include all actions that should be implemented and is produced before the start of construction. Does the above sentence mean that this is not enough to be uploaded, but some documentation about the implementation, e.g. checklists, or reports of the actual practices implemented should be uploaded?
Please tell me your experiences.
Many thanks.
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Allison Beer McKenzie
Architect, Director of SustainabilitySHP Leading Design
LEEDuser Expert
646 thumbs up
April 11, 2013 - 9:10 am
Our experience has been that as long as your plan is well developed and contains the steps the construction team must follow during construction for the 6 areas of concern you will be fine just uploading it. This form has changed several times over the years. Some forms ask you to include a narrative from the construction team on how the plan was actually implemented. If that is the case with your form, simply write and include a description of what was actually done during construction(these actions should, of course, be in line with your plan).