The building that we are working on is ventilated by a dedicated outside air system (DOAS) running in demand control ventilation (DCV) based off a CO2 sensor in the return duct. To show compliance for the ventilation rates, would putting in the airflow rates during max occupancy in the VRP calculator be sufficient for a worst case?
Gustavo De las Heras Izquierdo
LEED Expert185 thumbs up
July 31, 2018 - 6:25 pm
Since your ventilator will be controlled by a VFD, I think two calculations might be necessary, one for full occupancy and maximum fan ariflow, and other for minimum occupancy and minimum airflow provided by your fan.
Kevin Aisawa
August 1, 2018 - 3:05 pm
Thank you for that clarification Gustavo. Our building is able to meet the minimum ventilation rate for both scenarios. However, in the scenario with minimum airflow and minimum occupancy one room does not meet the requirement. The building is ventilated by a single DOAS and there are no controls for the airflow for an individual room. Would the fan speed need to be increased for the total unit, or would a narrative of the CO2 sensors for the room work for this scenario?