LEED NC v4.0 says diverse uses need to be available to the public. I don't see that language in the v4.1 reference guide. Was that requirement dropped? I am working on a college campus and am trying to determine if the library, gym, etc need to be available to the public.
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Ralph Bicknese
PrincipalHellmuth & Bicknese Architects
21 thumbs up
August 23, 2023 - 6:44 pm
Vanessa: We have the same issue with a college campus. Have you received any additional information on this? I concur the language is clearly different between LEED v4 and V4.1. V4.1 does NOT stipulate uses have to be publicly available. Even so, campus uses such as coffee shop, cafetria, bookstore, theater, campus police and more - available to the student, staff and faculty community - are also often available to the public. Campus libraries usually require student or staff id for checkout of materials but are often available to the public for in-library use. (I did research for a high school thesis in Notre Dame's library). Gymnasia, athletic fields, swimming pools are also sometimes made available, often requiring permission or an access fee, for use by the public.
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
532 thumbs up
August 23, 2023 - 9:27 pm
LEED v4 credit language "....existing and publicly available diverse uses..."
LEED v4.1 Healthcare credit language "...operational and publicly accessible uses..."
LEED v4.1 NC/CS/Retail/Hospitality credit language "Construct or renovate a building or a space within a building such that the building’s main entrance is within a ½-mile (800-meter) walking distance from the following number of uses (see Appendix 1), as listed below."
My guess is that "existing/operational" and "publicly available/accessible" are unintentionally missing from the NC/CS/Retail/Hospitality credit language....and that GBCI will enforce that Diverse Uses are existing, operational, and publicly available.
If your project is located on a large 24/7 industrial campus with Diverse Uses for employees, then perhaps they may allow an exception that such Diverse Uses are not publically available.