For Option 1. Development Density, does the LEED project itself still need to meet the 60,000 SF/acre requirement?
Per the addenda from 10/01/2013 for the section 6. Calculations, Option 1 (
Delete a sentence in Step 1 so it reads: “Calculate the development density for the project by dividing the total square footage of the building by the total site area in acres (Equation 1).”
It appears as though the sentence that should be deleted is the one in the reference guide that states "The development density must be 60,000 square feet or more per acre." But that is not actually specified in the addenda. The LEEDuser guidance also still states that the LEED project itself must meet the minimum development density.
There is an old LEED Interpretation #5861, which confirms that the project itself does NOT have to meet a minimum density, however it currently only lists being applicable to v2.1 and no other versions.
Does anyone have any insight as to what is now required for the LEED project's own density?
Ellen Mitchell
331 thumbs up
May 28, 2014 - 6:45 pm
I admit my experience with submitting the development density credit is limited, but I always assumed that the LEED building/site itself had to be included in the calculations. All of the buildings within the density radius in aggregate had to meet the 60,000 sf/acre requirement.
I'm not sure I am addressing your question or not - if not, let me know and I'll try again.
Michelle Robinson Schwarting
148 thumbs up
May 28, 2014 - 9:57 pm
Thank you, Ellen, for responding. I agree that in aggregate, they all have to meet it. What is unclear is if the LEED Reviewers are enforcing the original requirement that the LEED project itself had to meet the 60,000 sf/acre requirement.
Can anyone confirm successfully submitting a v2009 project where the LEED project itself was less than the 60,000 sf/acre but located in a denser community so the overall density was met and the credit was approved?
(With the wording of the credit requirements for the building to be "on a previously developed site AND in a community with a minimum density of 60,000 square feet per acre" it's not totally clear if it has to be "on a previously developed site .. with a minimum density of 60,000 sf/acre AND in a community with a minimum density of 60,000 sf/acre" or if the portion of the sentence "with a minimum density of 60,000 sf/acre" is only applying to the community.
* Section 6. Calculations, Option 1 of the Ref. Guide originally spelled out that the LEED property itself had to meet the density,
* this section of the reg. guide was unclearly addended, and
* the LEED Interpretation that says it does not have to is marked as applying to NCv2.1, but it not listed with v2009
the credit requirements remain unclear.
Perhaps someone from USGBC & GBCI can chime in and clarify the addenda and also append the applicability of the LEED interpretation...)
Trey Akers
May 29, 2014 - 9:26 am
Hi Michelle & Ellen,
Please see the 5/16/14 response to the 5/12/14 Density Development inquiry. Per the Addenda you mention, the project building does not have to be at least 60,000 sf/ac. The Addenda removed that sentence from the Calculations section of the reference guide. The project building's density must be included in the development density calculations, but the project itself does not need to be at least 60,000 sf/ac. The surrounding area including the project building must average at least 60,000 sf/ac. Concerning the LEED Interpretation you cite, since the Addenda refers to the v2009 rating system, this guidance is applicable beyond NCv2.1.
Michelle Robinson Schwarting
148 thumbs up
May 29, 2014 - 10:10 am
Thanks, Trey! It's great to have USGBC on here to chime in! :)
(Any chance the addenda will be clarified any more for future documentation purposes and/or the LEED Interpretation #5861 will be clarified to also be applicable to v2009?)