Delaying V4 requirement will mean minimal uptake of V4 in the market for 2 years. Unfortunate, because V4 has some great additions.
This will sound "idealistic", but wouldn't it be great if GBCI would allow folks to use V3, but "swap" V4 credits in? Not as innovation credits (too few), but as straight out alternatives to certain credits now in V3......examples
-water submetering
-building envelope Cx
-demand response program participation
- monitoring-based Cx
- product EPDs
Example, a team registered in V3 doesn't have a shot at WEc1 ("water efficient landscaping"), maybe they have no landscaping or gardens, they get to swap this one for V4's water sub-metering credit.
Dream on.....
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Barry Giles
Founder & CEO, LEED Fellow, BREEAM FellowBuildingWise LLC
LEEDuser Expert
338 thumbs up
November 10, 2014 - 11:39 am
Tom, I agree with you that there are several credits that are easier in V4 than V3 and GBCI have in the past allowed V4 credits to be 'taken' under the alternative compliance path (ACP). However this usually means that teams take the easiest course and some credits, notably the energy credits (as Chris Schaffner notes) which we should be moving forward with are left out...after all who's going to pick the Energy Star requirement in V4 at E* 75, when you can take the easier route with V3 at 69?
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
November 10, 2014 - 11:41 am
Tom - Your dream was granted for some LEED v4 credits to be used in LEED 2009 back in January 2014. See for additional information.
Tom Kennedy
consulting engineerEnhanse
18 thumbs up
November 13, 2014 - 9:00 am
This is a good resource (thanks for sharing it), however, that list is not quite "dreamy" to me because it does not include some of the V4 credits that are truly new (like the ones I list). I wish they would append that list and add these.