Do we have a clear definition what is counted as vegetated open space area? Is grass paving, e.g. for outdoor parking counted as vegetated open space?
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Cynthia Estrada
LEED AP BD&CSDS Architects, Inc.
48 thumbs up
August 17, 2016 - 9:50 am
Hi Marco,
There is credit language here in LeedUser that you can reference, but what occurs to me with your question is satisfying the intent of the credit which is four-fold. To promote biodiversity, reduce heat island effect, increase stormwater infiltration and provide building occupants with a connection to the outdoors. I don't know if this is an urban setting or not but I am sure that if the idea is to park cars on "grass paving" it would not support the spirit of the credit.
Stefano Ascari
April 14, 2017 - 2:27 pm
Where is this definition located? And out of curiosity, how do you post a new topic? There is no Post new topic button...
Allison Smith
Sustainable Design LeaderHKS, Inc.
42 thumbs up
April 17, 2017 - 10:14 am
Vegetated open space must be vegetated and pervious. If a project earns SSc2, then they may be able to count pedestrian oriented hardscape and/or vegetated roof areas. Look at the credit langauage for more details on when you can include hardscape and/or vegetated roofs.
Re grass paving - use the search comments feature for "permeable paving" to find a post on how to calculate this surface type.
Re new topic button -- I view this page through and on the upper right hand side of the webpage, there is a "new comment" button. If you're viewing it through the LEED Credit library then the interface is different.