Greetings forum.

My next question is simple enough: what is the distinction between an "existing service" and a "planned service" for the purposes of identifying an eligible stop to qualify the development for SSLc3?

What specifically does the "service" entail? Are we talking simply about the routes and service levels as defined by daily trips? Does it not include the actual alignment and the stops?

I ask this because my project is temporarily diverting a bus route and its stop areas during construction. My project, of course, is radically altering the street network. The alignment will be restored somewhat similarly to its former shape but the stops are now in quite different locations than they were formerly, and in fact, the transit agency requested an extra stop on the main thoroughfare adjacent to the development, which we will construct. Within a year, the new streets will be in place for the transit service to run again through the site.

Obviously, I would think that you would base the 1/4 mile walk distance on the new location of the stops, technically "planned" right now, not the former locations, correct? Has the "existing service" been disqualified because we altered the alignment and stops of the service? Does the extra stop we added qualify as an eligible "existing service" stop?