Dear All,

I am new on LEED language and I am using this very interesting forum to learn something (actually a lot!) about it.

I have a similar situation. In a site of 80,000 sqf (lab facillities, office spaces, pilot plant, storage room etc), I will intervene in a 15,000 sqf, being about 40% a renovation of an old lab, creating a new lab and office spaces, and using the old wharehouse (60%) to install other lab rooms.

The client wants to get a LEED certified. One consultant told to apply for a EB&OM and other to NC and Major renovation, since it will be a major renovation, but there is about 80% of the site that I will do nothing about.

There is 3 'Lands' in the site with different owners under the same company, the Pilot Plant, The R&D Lab and the QC Lab (the one that I will work on it). It is possible to certify only one Space, such as the QC Lab?