The owner in my CI project is planning to appoint the operations and maintenance (O&M) firm as the CxA to achieve this credit. In order to ensure compliance, we are planning to add this credit's requirements to the scope of work of this firm under its contract. My question is does this O&M firm have to conduct any specific tests or commissioning activities? Typically, following the construction completion, the representatives of the contractor, owner and the O&M firm establish a commissioning committee and do the typical commissioning, testing and balancing works. My understanding is this O&M firm would participate in this commissioning process, do all the reviews, provide all the documentation required and finally complete the commissioning report after the commissioning committee completes its job. Are there any specific commissioning activities or tasks (other than listed in the LEED guideline) that GBCI would like to see performed as part of the CxA scope of work to achieve this credit? One reason why I am asking this question is that at the introduction of this section, it is stated that enhanced commissioning causes up to 40% cost increase in comparison to fundamental commissioning. Is this cost increase just due to additional review and reporting requirements?