The entire purpose of MR2 is to divert waste from landfills, and the waste should be either recycled, donated, salvaged or reused.

My question is as follows:

My project is in a third world country.

The waste we generate onsite goes to what they call here a "Temporary landfill", and then international companies and local companies bid for our waste, and either recycle it, reuse it, salvage it or donate it. My company deals directly with the municipality that is in charge of the temporary landfill, and we obtain tickets saying how much wood, steel, plastic, cardboard, aluminum left our construction site. (in KGs)

What documents do I need to upload at the end of the construction project to GBCI? Would the tickets from Municipality suffice? I highly doubt that I could know which companies bid for our wood, steel, plastic etc. But I do know for a fact that our waste was recycled.

My second question is - Does the waste leaving the site have to go directly to recycling centers? Because in our case, our waste went to a temporary landfill, and then was picked up and recycled.

Thank you