I see some formal programs use “average vehicle ridership” (AVR) as an alternate metric. We are active participants with the Go Smart/Go Perks/Triangle Transit/Share The Ride program. In lieu of a survey, can we use AVR by monitoring the number of building occupants and divide by the number of vehicles in the parking lot at 10 am for 5 consecutive mornings and convert this to the RCCT value?
This building offers many alternative commuting transportation options such as infrastructure, incentives and programs. Among them include secure bicycle storage and showers, free electric vehicle charging stations, preferred parking for fuel-efficient vehicles (ACEEE score 40+), non-financial incentives for using alternative transportation, a database to facilitate carpooling, and participates in a regional transportation plan to ensure building occupants’ needs are considered.
Bottom line - is there any way to pursue this credit without a survey?
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Dan Ackerstein
PrincipalAckerstein Sustainability, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
819 thumbs up
September 25, 2015 - 1:59 pm
Hey Zane,
I'm reluctant to say that there's simply no way to pursue the credit without a survey of some kind, but I'm having trouble thinking of one. Your approach has a lot going for it, but it overlooks the possibility that folks may park offsite in nearby lots, garages or street parking. Various situations make exceptions like that more or less likely, but the very existence of complicating factors (and the number of points in play) have led GBCI to a position of insisting on a survey in almost all cases. I think that's the right position - a survey is itself imperfect, but its been proven to be the most effective instrument we presently have for what is a very difficult thing to measure. It sounds like your building will perform quite well in SSc4, so I hope a survey isn't out of the question.
Hope that helps,