Our project's classrooms are all less than 20k cu.ft. and have "clouds" of acoustical ceiling tile (approx. 60% ceiling area) and either drywall soffit (approx 5%) or areas open to structural bar joists, metal deck, ductwork, etc. to be painted out white (approx. 35%). Realistically, the ACT clouds work better than a continuous ceiling because bot sides are providing sound absorption (I would think). We also will have carpet in most classrooms. With the large areas of glazing for daylight on one wall, marker and tack boards on another, and millwork covering a third, we could cover the remaining wall from floor to ceiling (not a realistic idea) with acoustical material and still not quite meet the requirement. Is our only option to perform the calculations under "CASE 2" as would be required for larger classroom spaces? Would this be acceptable to the GBCI reviewers? I don't see anywhere where they state you have your choice of CASE 1 OR 2. I really don't want to try to do the calculations, but since it is a prereq and not an option, do I have any other choices??