In prerequisite, it says 'Projects where fixtures or fixture fittings are not within the tenant spaces are exempt from this prerequisite.' ; however, in credit it says that 'Some of these fittings and fixtures may be outside the tenant space.' we have 2 questions as below:
1. For here, does tenant space equal to project scope? Or only definited for tenant space? Cause project scope may be ueder owner's control.
*If a single entity owns, manages, or occupies an entire building and wishes to certify a renovated portion of the building that is not separated by ownership, management, lease, or party wall separation, they may do so if the project boundary includes 100% of the construction scope and is drawn at a clear, physical barrier.
2. If tenant space equals to project scope here, does it mean that we can exempt fixture fittings out of project scope for prerequisite, while we can still persue credit for more points out of project scope by including some fixture fittings in the calculation? Or the project scope (fixture fittings) must remian the same condition?
Thank you! Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards!
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
474 thumbs up
September 2, 2024 - 6:34 pm
Hi Junko,
In short:
The Credit should capture any additional fixtures that are used by your tenants, regardless of location.
Let us know if you have additional questions.
Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
29 thumbs up
September 4, 2024 - 9:55 am
At the very beginning of v4 (2017) I investigated this credits. At those time I was consulted as following:
- for prerequisites and credit it must be the same fixtures, you cannot use different scope of fixtures for prerequisite and credit.
- for both prereq and credit you can pursue as following:
-- you can include or fixtures only within the tenant space, OR
-- also add fixtures that are close to tenant space and tenants would use it
At that particular case we dropped second option – it was mall and adjaced WC (out of tenant scope) was equipped by not acceptable fixtures in terms of "liter per minute" (LPM) / "liter per flush" (LPF).
Maybe since than enterpretation changed and for prerequisite you can exclude some fixtures from project scope if it's out of tennat space.
1. No, project scope for this credit can be more than tenant space, if you are including fixtures that are close to tenant space and your tenant would use it. For prerequisite you can exclude fixtures that are outside tenant space.
2. At this question you are not correct by using terms of project scope and tenant space. If you are making project scope for this credit bigger than tenant space, by including fixtures that are close to tenant space and your tenant would use it, if it gives you advantage (such fixtures outside the tenant space has lower LPM/LPF than project's) - you are gaining some extra points.
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
474 thumbs up
September 6, 2024 - 1:56 pm
Andrey, I'll have to correct some (but not all) of your assumptions for this.
As Junko's post points out, there is confusing text in the language of both the Prereq and the Credit. This statement actually appears in the text for both items: "Some of these fittings and fixtures may be outside the tenant space."
My ID+C projects have always included all applicable fixtures that are within the scope of the work for the Prereq - in some cases, the work extends beyond just the leased tenant space, like when a tenant also updates core restrooms that serve their spaces. The Prereq is meant to capture what your project scope is changing. In these cases, your LEED boundary should include all work that's part of the scope, even outside of a tenant's suite(s).
The fixtures for the Credit calculations, on the other hand, are often (but not always!) different than what's in the Prereq. They should include the Prereq fixture + any others that serve the occupants in the tenant space. The Ref Guide states: "Follow the instructions in WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction to determine water savings resulting from efficiency of fixtures and fittings. Additionally, include in the credit calculations all plumbing fixtures necessary to meet the occupants’ needs whether they will be installed as part of the project’s scope of work or not. Include at a minimum all necessary restroom fixtures (toilets, urinals, and lavatories) to meet the project occupants’ needs, and showers when seeking LT Credit Bicycle Facilities."
Additionally, the LEEDuser summary also states: "To earn points, the USGBC requires you to provide fixtures that meet occupant needs. The nearest available restrooms are used in credit calculations when no bathroom facilities are located within the project boundaries. These additional facilities can be excluded from the prerequisite requirements."
In cases where the project's occupants use restrooms, showers, break rooms, etc. that are outside of the project boundary and not within the project scope, those fixtures would not be in the Prereq calcs, but would be in the Credit calcs. You would have 2 separate calculators provided for these projects.
If a project's scope includes the restrooms and other fixtures that the occupants would use, then the calcs between the Prereq and Credit would be the same - you'd only have 1 calculator submitted.
Hope this better clarifies things.
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
367 thumbs up
September 6, 2024 - 4:00 pm
Emily summed this up well! To add some context that might help as well -
GBCI does not want to penalize the project team for things beyond their control - having zero fixtures within the space and no control over core fixtures should not prevent you from attaining LEED certifcation. Thus, the prerequisite allows you to only consider fixtures within the scope of work.
GBCI DOES want project teams to do some active work to earn additional points - having zero fixtures within the space does not by itself entitle your project to points beyond the prereq. Thus, you need to consider all fixtures tenants will use when calculating the credit.
Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
29 thumbs up
September 7, 2024 - 9:09 am
Enily, I failed to see by what you are correcting me.
What I can see - that one must be very carefull with following terms:
- tenant space fixtures/lavatories within the tenant space (must be at both calculations)
- project scope can be bigger, than tenant space, for this credit - fixtures/lavatories outside the tenant space that are modified or installed as part of the project scope of works (must be at credit calculations, can be excluded from the prerequisite requirements)
- fixtures necessary to meet the occupants’ needs - it can be even "bigger" than project scope, for instance WC that serves tenants of your project, but are not installed/modified as part of the project scope of work, i.e. already exists (must be at credit calculations, can be excluded from the prerequisite requirements)
If one treat his project correctly in such terms - it would be fine.