
In prerequisite, it says 'Projects where fixtures or fixture fittings are not within the tenant spaces are exempt from this prerequisite.' ; however, in credit it says that 'Some of these fittings and fixtures may be outside the tenant space.' we have 2 questions as below:
1. For here, does tenant space equal to project scope? Or only definited for tenant space? Cause project scope may be ueder owner's control.
*If a single entity owns, manages, or occupies an entire building and wishes to certify a renovated portion of the building that is not separated by ownership, management, lease, or party wall separation, they may do so if the project boundary includes 100% of the construction scope and is drawn at a clear, physical barrier.
2. If tenant space equals to project scope here, does it mean that we can exempt fixture fittings out of project scope for prerequisite, while we can still persue credit for more points out of project scope by including some fixture fittings in the calculation? Or the project scope (fixture fittings) must remian the same condition?
Thank you! Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards!