Our contractor will most likely reuse some waste materials on their other projects if they have any left over. If they document the amounts by weight or volume they haul away does this count towards credit MR Credit 2? Is their any additional documentation required in this case?
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
May 2, 2013 - 10:13 am
John - I’m not sure what you mean by reuse of waste materials. Do you mean the contractor will bring waste from another jobsite to your jobsite, use some of it (somehow), and then have the remainder hauled away and count towards MRc2 for your project? Typically you can’t capture waste from another project with your values for MRc2.
John Covello
Senior Sustainability ManagerUL Solutions
9 thumbs up
May 3, 2013 - 9:16 pm
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for your response. My wording may have been not clear. Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that our contractor may have left over material from our project (wood, metal, plastic) and recycle that waste into projects for their other customers. So they will haul away material from our job site and store it at their property until they are ready to use for another job.
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
May 6, 2013 - 9:45 am
Thanks for the clarification. What you describe is definitely diversion from the landfill. So, yes, I would count it towards MRc2. I don’t think there is any special documentation that you would need - although a letter from the contractor stating how they handle these materials might be a good idea to have as backup.