Is there a process in place to contact our LEED reviewer? We are preparing an appeal for EAp2 and EAc1 and would like an opportunity to discuss a few key issues with the reviewer before dropping $800 on this appeal. is this possible?
Thanks! Todd B.
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
July 23, 2014 - 2:07 pm
That is a very good idea. You can do it on the "feedback" link that is available at various locations on the site. I typically find it by going to a credit and it will be on the right side. Ask for a conference call and make sure and tell them what you are interested in talking about. This has been a good way to discuss the issues related to the credit and discuss the proposed appeal and reasoning.
Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
August 6, 2014 - 10:13 pm
You can also email questions to your review team.
Go to, and click on “Contact” at the bottom of the page. Select “EMAIL US” “About project registration and certification.” Provide the requested information about you and your project and, under “How can we help you?” select “Questions about Review Comments.” New fields will become visible requesting additional information. Complete the required fields, ask your question, confirm that you are who you say you are, and click “Submit.” You will receive email confirmation and, within a week or so, an email responding to your question.
A note of caution: Limit questions to clarification of review comments to possible approaches for your appeal. Do not try to argue your case or present new information. Save that for your appeal.