For non-flat paint, is it 150? 100? 50? GS-11-1993 or 2008? Current Limit or Effective Date?

You might get any these answers when referring to the Rating System or Reference guide credit requirements, the hyperlink to the GS-11 standard, or the Table 1 in the reference guide. While looking into a VOC question for a CI project, I noticed there's an interesting and useful discussion of which table or value to use for non-flat paints over on the NC EQc4.2 credit forum.

Short summary is:
Use GS-11 1993.

Hyperlink in the Reference Guides that links to the 2008 version instead of the 1993 version of GS-11 may be an error, but we're not sure.

An addendum strikes out the sentence in the Reference Guide "Tables 1 and 2 summarize Green Seal Standard GS-11" since that is actually the table from SQAQMD Rule 1113, not GS-11, as many have thought.

If you are using that table for looking up SCAQMD limits for clear finishes, etc. only use the most stringent limit listed in the first four columns, effective Jan 1 2004, not the values listed for the effective dates after then.

See the comments under NC IEQc4.2 for the whole discussion....