Hi LEED User-verse again!

I need assistance affirming my understanding (and also summarizing) the documentation requirements for meeting the composite wood emissions evaluation requirements, assuming a product does not meet one of the other product categories (ceilings/walls/paints/coatings/etc). Full disclosure, this is likely very oversimplified so pardon in advance for caveats:

  1. Wood products with No-added Urea Formaldehyde = Never allowed
  2. Structural wood products = Meet LEED addenda 10466 requirements here: https://www.usgbc.org/leedaddenda/10466
  3. Plywood, particleboard, or MDF composite wood products = Product is under the umbrella of one of the Executive Orders here: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/documents/nafulef-executive-orders
  4. Composite wood product contains no-added formaldehyde = Manufacturer letter stating that product has NAF OR must be a product under the umbrella of one of the Executive Orders here: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/documents/nafulef-executive-orders (I think only one of these options is right, hence the OR)

The products and documentation in my possession that I'm trying to asses are as follows:

  1. Fire-retardant treated wood product: manufacturer letter stating that neither retardant formulation nor water-based preservative formulations do not contain formaldehyde
  2. Composite wood product: manufacturer states it is CARB NAF Exempt and possesses third-party certification
  3. Softwood plywood product: manufacturer states that it meets requirements per LEED addenda 10466 https://www.usgbc.org/leedaddenda/10466

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.