A question from my CxA that I can't find a response for in the Guide or elsewhere:
Our mechanical contractor is currently conducting pipe pressure/leakage testing as part of its scope for hydronic heating hot water. In our Cx scope, we had included spot witness testing of both, hydronic pipe pressure testing and HVAC Duct Air Leakage Testing (DALT); however, contractor stated in the meeting that DALT was not in their scope. The team wants to confirm whether DALT is a Fundamental LEED Cx requirement.
We looked through the LEED referenced commissioning guide: ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005, and were not able to find specific guidelines requiring DALT. I’ve also checked with our mechanical DOR for his input. He didn’t think it was required since it was existing ductwork on a tenant fit out. So, if anyone knows by chance whether DALT is required for Fundamental LEED Cx of Commercial Interiors please let us know so we can relay to Owner, DOR and contractor.
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