Few to none of my comments seem to actually get an answer. I'm trying to be as clear and straight forward as possible and the response I get is a copy/paste answer to a different question.
Example question on the FSC credit: "Will Members be allowed to vote on any future "USGBC-approved equivalent" or will this be something added by addenda next time Congress threatens to block government LEED spending?"
Answer: "Thank you for your comment. USGBC conducted a ballot process that concluded in 2010 which would have allowed for the recognition of forest certification systems aside from FSC. The USGBC membership voted down that initiative in favor of recognizing only FSC. LEED v4 currently references the Forest Stewardship Council for new wood products, but, along with all other referenced standards in the LEED program, USGBC may approve other appropriate referenced standards that are deemed equivalent by the LEED Steering Committee."
This is the same answer that 57 people got. I'd be a little more okay with that if we all asked the same question, but we didn't. And this answer is irrelevant to my question. This happens very often.
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