Hello Marcus,
I have unique scenario in which I believe the answer is 'No' but cannot find a definitive answer.
My project contains 6 floors of parking and 12 floors of residential above it. Parking is owned by the city, residential is owned by the developer.
Parking is pursuing Parksmart and Residential is pursuing LEED v4 NC.
Parksmart is awarded points if included within the LEED Project Boundary.
Was asked if the energy model of the parking could simply be combined with the energy model of the residential for the LEED application. I think the answer is no because the requirements of Table G3.1.1A Building HVAC System Types would not be adhered to.
Is there a better explanation that I may be missing?
Thanks for your response - and for all your energy modeling expertise on this forum!
Cory Duggin
Senior Energy WizardTLC Engineering Solutions
53 thumbs up
June 7, 2023 - 4:02 pm
I'm not sure how the requirements of G3.1.1A would have any bearing on whether the garage could be included in the energy model. I have included the garage in my LEED boundary multiple times without issue. Typically it is of benefit because you can get additional lighting savings from the garage. The key is to make sure the garage meets all of the mandatory requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2010, such as lighting controls. There is a LEED innovation point for ParkSmart Measures as well. https://www.usgbc.org/credits/new-construction-schools-new-construction-...
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5916 thumbs up
June 8, 2023 - 10:40 am
Are you referring to Table G3.1.1A?
As Cory says you can easily include the garage. Assuming that the garage is unconditioned space it doesn't count toward the requirements of Table G3.1.1A. Sounds like it is a matter of where you are drawing your LEED project boundary.
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
535 thumbs up
June 8, 2023 - 11:01 am
thanks Cory and Marcus, you put my fears to rest.
The heartburn this project will incur is that there is one firm performing the energy model on just the garage and another firm performing the energy model on just the residential tower. My guess is that they will probably use different modeling software programs...so it may be more of software compatibility concern than an Appendix G concern - when combining energy models.
Thanks again!
Cory Duggin
Senior Energy WizardTLC Engineering Solutions
53 thumbs up
June 8, 2023 - 11:09 am
It depends on how complex the garage is. If it is just an open air garage with lights, then really all you are adding is a garage interior lighting end-use to your model plus some extra exterior lighting if there is any. If there are electrical rooms with cooling, then the energy associated with those will need to be included. The same if the garage has heating or ventilation fans. Lights and garage vent fans would be a simple add to your building model though. Just make sure to catch all the other credits impacted by including the garage, such as construction and demo WM, heat island reduction, lighting pollution reduction, Sourcing of Raw Materials, and etc.