A clubhouse project with amenities including: Gymnasium, Yoga/Aerobic Studios, Party Hall, Dining Hall, Lounge, Small Retail Stores, Prayer Rooms, Basement Parking should be categorised under which Building Type as per ASHRAE 90.1-2016? Is it considered a Public Assembly or Non-Residential?
This will decide the Baseline HVAC System to be used for demonstrating Energy Savings.
More background info on the project: This is a clubhouse building serving residents of a surrounding Villa Community and accessible to the residents everyday.
Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
34 thumbs up
September 4, 2024 - 10:02 am
For me it's Non-Residential.
It can be Public Assembly only if Party Hall would be more than 50 % of actual usable premises (of all this Gymnasium, Yoga/Aerobic Studios, Party Hall, Dining Hall, Lounge, Small Retail Stores, Prayer Rooms) and you can claim that this is the main dedication/purpose/use type of the building, all other are an addition.
Junaid Mujahid
Junior HVAC Design Engineer - SustainabilityPNC Architects
2 thumbs up
September 6, 2024 - 2:27 am
ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Standard mentions Building Types "Other Residential". Is this the Non-Residential building type or is it referring to "Other" types of Residential buildings?
Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
34 thumbs up
September 7, 2024 - 8:14 am
It's other types of residential buildings - usually mid or low rise: for instance per table G3.1.1-3.
On second thought – I wonder what are they considered as "other residential". Per comments "Residential building types include dormitory, hotel, motel, and multifamily. Residential space types include guest rooms, living quarters, private living space, and sleeping quarters. Other building and space types are considered nonresidential."
What are "other residential" (other than dormitory, hotel, motel, and multifamily) with characteristics per table G3.1.1-3 in that case - I do not know.
Junaid Mujahid
Junior HVAC Design Engineer - SustainabilityPNC Architects
2 thumbs up
September 9, 2024 - 12:59 am
If "Other Residential" are other types of residential buildings, then there is no category for Non-Residential in 90.1-2016 unlike 90.1-2010 which clearly mentions "Non-Residential".
Andrey Kuznetsov
ESG consultant, LEED AP BD+CSelf Employed
34 thumbs up
September 9, 2024 - 8:03 pm
It has
Public assembly
Heated-only storage
Retail and 2 floors or fewer
Maybe they think that it covers all other building types that are in the 90.1 scope per HVAC type.
For ebvelope requiremens they have Nonresidential, Residential an Semiheated.
So per 90.1-2016 your building would be Public assembly - my first comment is irrelevant (I thought it was general inquiry per 90.1).
Junaid Mujahid
Junior HVAC Design Engineer - SustainabilityPNC Architects
2 thumbs up
September 17, 2024 - 1:10 am
If we assume that "Other Residential" Building Type simply means other types of residential, then these "Other Residential" cover all building types. It has 3 floors or fewer, 4-5 floors and 5 floors or higher.
So the question is, what does the "Residential" Building Type cover if all types of residential buildings are covered in the "Other Residential" Category?
Looking at the notes provided under Table G3.1.1-3, Public Assembly building type includes auditoriums, movie theaters, concert halls, houses of worship etc. None of which match the activities of my Clubhouse Project.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
September 17, 2024 - 11:01 am
The residential and other residential is certainly confusing and as was pointed out does not make any sense. It turns out this is a typo of sorts. One of the ways to evaluate confusing items is to look at the next version of the standard to see if it was "fixed". If you look at the same table in 90.1-2019 you will see that the "other residential" has been changed to "other nonresidential". WIth this change the table now makes sense. There is likely a published errata with this correction but I did not take the time to try and dig it out.
So in your case the building in question is nonresidential and the baseline HVAC system depends on the number of floors and area.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
September 17, 2024 - 11:14 am
Here is the published errata - https://www.ashrae.org/file%20library/technical%20resources/standards%20...
Junaid Mujahid
Junior HVAC Design Engineer - SustainabilityPNC Architects
2 thumbs up
September 18, 2024 - 4:00 am
Thank you for the detailed clarification!