We're currently working on a project in Fresno, where they have a published diversion rate for all waste of 75%. All waste is separated into either standard waste bins or a recycling bin. Given that all waste is considered 75% diverted, doe a full audit need to take place, or can we attempt alternative compliance because our hauler handles all building waste?
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Barry Giles
Founder & CEO, LEED Fellow, BREEAM FellowBuildingWise LLC
LEEDuser Expert
338 thumbs up
February 5, 2013 - 7:06 pm
Edward. You'll still need to undertake a full audit. There is always a little confusion between the prereqs and credits. What you're calling the 75% diversion is in fact for the on-going credit and will need to be tracked constantly to maintain that credit over a period. Provided you can gain a good report from the hauler that stands GBCI investigation then you're good to go. The audit is different. Here you'll need to work out what is in the total waste stream leaving the building...both trash and recycle and quantify both. The point of the audit is to help you quantify all the possible items that could be recycled, composted, etc...and/or give you kudos for the great job that's already being done. So gloves on..and jump in.