I have some doubts concerning Appendix D of the document “Treatment of District or Campus Thermal Energy in LEED V2 and LEED 2009 – Design & Construction” http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=7671

1. Xheat is defined as “the fraction of the CHP plant’s total production of waste heat applied to the DES directly”. I don’t understand what it is exactly. Is (1-Xheat) the fraction of heat that is lost towards the external environment, e.g. during energy production or along the distribution system?

2. For Scenario B of baseline case (p. 26) “the amount of excess CHP electricity allocated to the building is considered “process energy” in the energy model”. Is that statement valid only for the baseline model? I mean, in that case is the process energy of the baseline model greater than the proposed building model?

3. Page 27 defines default efficiencies. Is “generator electrical efficiency” equal to the “net annual electric generation” to “annual fuel input” ratio and is “generator thermal efficiency” equal to the “waste heat recovered” to “annual fuel input”?

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