Could someone check my math in terms of usage for a fixture group that has FTE as well as transient students using the fixtures? The fixture group in question also has urinals, so the male/female ratio comes into play. There are 19 FTE and 323 transient students.

For water closets I am using this formula: ((19 FTE*50% male*1 use/day)+(19 FTE*50% female*3 uses/day)+(332 transient*50% male*0.1 use/day)+(332 transient*50% female*0.5 uses/day))/351 total people using fixture group = 0.45 uses/day/person.

For urinals: ((19 FTE*50% male*2 use/day)+(19 FTE*50% female*0 uses/day)+(332 transient*50% male*0.4 use/day)+(332 transient*50% female*0 uses/day))/351 total people using fixture group = 0.45 uses/day/person.

Also, for total daily uses, do I enter the fixture uses/person (as calculated above) or the total fixture uses per day. Thanks!