I have attempted this credit on a second project as well as receiving review comments on the first project.
Project 2: I know more this time than I did the first time around, thus I have less products going into the first submittal that are showing as compliant. My views on the threshhold of achievement are the same. The metrics aren't right.
Project 1 Review Comments: I did not get extensive feedback, other than that some products with a European certificatoin didn't fit and that I didn't provide a scorecard as backup for one of the products I submitted, and I forgot to do the USGBC Pilot Credit survey. I did know that I didn't have a scorecard for the Greensquared product, but still tried to push it through since I had trouble getting a scorecard from the manufacturer. Overall, I feel like I still have a chance at getting this pilot credit.
Why do I think this pilot credit is important? It advances the rigor, transparency, and validation of 3rd party certifications, which is a huge step in the fight against greenwashing. It advances the certification conversation beyond the space as a whole and takes it down to the products the space is comprised of. The spotlight is on materials, and I think this is a conversation that will continue to advance in the industry. I think this pilot credit could see more categories added to it over time.
Biggest changes needed: When you are only looking at 6-7 product categories for inclusion into the pilot credit, making the denominator of the pilot credit the total materials cost just doesn't work when you want a 25% threshold of achievement. I believe this credit would become more achievable and push measureable change if the threshold were 10 or 15% of the total materials cost.
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